About Us

This site consists of articles written by four contributors, two of which will make a defense for political surveillance on the Internet, while the other two will take the opposing side of the issue.

Johnny Walters Jr is a sophomore studying Journalism-Strategic Communication with a minor in New Media studies through the School of Journalism and Mass Communication.  Johnny has been interested in how the government uses surveillance after reading some of the articles that we have discussed in Journalism 3552. Johnny is going to be discussing the pro side of the government tracking Internet users online as it relates to safety.

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Nikolas Satin-Tarm is a Junior at the University of Minnesota studying Urban Studies, with a minor in New Media Studies.  He has been interested in studying the policies and legalities associated with Internet Surveillance.  In addition, he wanted to explore the technologies used, and the state of internet surveillance in other countries.  Nikolas has taken the con side, as he will be discussing the negative consequences.

Justin Morrison is a Junior at the University of Minnesota studying English and New Media.  He is interested in how governmental surveillance in the United States effects the Internet and whether or not it is justifiable by the constitution.  Justin chose to conduct research on how governments abuse surveillance and Internet users in their given country.

Jerod Greenisen is a Junior at the University of Minnesota studying Political Science. He has contributed to this site as a student of Professor Seth Lewis’ class on “The Internet and the Global Society”. His article is an analysis of the political relationships of individuals, consumers, citizens, states, and corporation to synthesize key concepts to envision a society that embraces surveillance as a positive extension of society.


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